Citation (Citation #: 2023-00011754)

General Information

Citation Number:

Date Issued:
Wed, Nov 15, 2023 9:10 AM

Appeal Filed

Total Citation Amount:

Name of Person Cited:

Property in Violation:
PVA Parcel #: 040A53 040

Property Owner:

Code Compliance Officer:
James Heady

Inspection Date:
Wed, Nov 15, 2023 8:30 AM

Code Violations (4)

Zoning Ordinance

Warren County Joint Zoning Ordinance ZO Zoning Ordinance

Code Description:
1.) ZO Article 3, Section 3.12.5 – Site Development Plan Required – Prior to the issuance of site work permits or building permits, a site development plan shall be reviewed by the comprehensive development review committee for proposed development meeting one or more of the following threshold:: • a) Any new development, including additions, that disturbs one acre or greater (both tracts parcel #040A-53-044 & 040A-53-040, together disturb > one acre). b) Any new multi-family residential (greater than 4 units), commercial, public, public-institutional or industrial development, regardless of the area disturbed.

Zoning Ordinance

Warren County Joint Zoning Ordinance ZO Zoning Ordinance

Code Description:
2.) ZO Article 3, Section 3.2 – Site Work Permit and Building Permit – It shall be unlawful to begin the construction of any structure or begin or change the use of a premises until the building Inspector has issued a site work permit or building permit.

Zoning Ordinance

Warren County Joint Zoning Ordinance ZO Zoning Ordinance

Code Description:
3.) ZO Article 3, Section 3.2.2, Subsections A and C – Site Work Permit and Building Permit – Required Landscaping and Grading/Drainage – A building permit application may also include the following items if required by other Sections of this Ordinance: • a) Landscape Plan (as applicable) – a scaled drawing, including dimensions and distances, existing and proposed buildings, vehicle use areas, driveways, and the location, size, and description of all landscape materials; and, • c) Grading and or Drainage Plan (as Applicable).

Zoning Ordinance

Warren County Joint Zoning Ordinance ZO Zoning Ordinance

Code Description:
4.) ZO Article 4.7.3, Section E.4 – General Industrial Development Standards – Alternative Parking Surface – At the time of the filing of any application for a building or paving permit, the Parking Surface Standards for semi-trucks (or similar vehicles) and heavy equipment in the Light Industry (LI) and Heavy Industry (HI) districts may be waived by Planning Commission staff with the following conditions: • a) Travelways and all other parking areas must be paved with concrete, asphalt, brick pavers, pervious material or similar permeable paving material. • b) Development utilizing an alternative parking surface must use an acceptable containment material approved by Planning Commission Staff in order to minimize the spreading of alternative paving materials into landscaping areas, travelways and other parking areas. • c) Development utilizing an alternative parking surface must not extend beyond the front of the principal structure and shall be screened from adjoining residential uses. • d) Development utilizing an alternative parking surface may not be located within designated building setback areas and must meet all landscape requirements of the Zoning Ordinance outlined in Sec. 4.6.8.D.3 and 4.6.8.D.4. Note – The setback adjacent to the mobile home park is 50 feet so if they want to keep the existing footprint roughly the same, they will also have to apply for and seek approval of a variance (unless they pave everything), if paved the setback is 10 feet. • e) Development utilizing an alternative parking surface shall conform to the Stormwater Management Program and must be designed and constructed so as to direct stormwater runoff to the appropriate drainage facility.

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