Citation (Citation #: 2023-00009183)

General Information

Citation Number:

Date Issued:
Fri, Aug 25, 2023 11:20 AM

Paid/Fees Waived

Total Citation Amount:

Name of Person Cited:

Property in Violation:
PVA Parcel #: 053A13 006

Property Owner:

Code Compliance Officer:
Courtenay Howell

Inspection Date:
Fri, Aug 25, 2023 11:32 AM

Code Violations (5)


BGKY C21 21.2.03.a.1 Failure to obtain all required permits Public Infrastructure, Rights-of-Way and Stormwater / Stormwater Quality / Construction Site Stormwater Management

Code Description:
Permits are required to be obtained from the City for all site construction projects and/or land disturbances as set out in the City of Bowling Green Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual. The developer shall also coordinate with the KYDOW and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine whether permits are required from those agencies before construction begins. Each developer shall submit an application to the City on a form provided by the City. A site work permit is required for the type of work occurring on the property. The most recent permit on file expired as of August 15th.


BGKY C21 21.2.03.d Requirement to adhere to the COBG BMP Manual Public Infrastructure, Rights-of-Way and Stormwater / Stormwater Quality / Construction Site Stormwater Management

Code Description:
Requirements for the design, maintenance, and a menu of Best Management Practices (BMPs) are located in the City of Bowling Green Stormwater BMP Manual. Site construction in the City shall comply with the provisions of the BMP Manual. Erosion prevention/sediment control Best Management Practices (BMPs) are not present.


BGKY C21 21.2.04.h Failure to comply with KPDES permit Public Infrastructure, Rights-of-Way and Stormwater / Stormwater Quality / Illicit Discharge; Applicability; Responsibility

Code Description:
Any person subject to an industrial or construction activity NPDES stormwater discharge permit shall comply with all provisions of such permit. Proof of compliance with the permit may be required in a form acceptable to the City prior to the allowing of discharges to the MS4 or any conveyance. However, should an illicit discharge be detected from such activities, the City shall have the authority to regulate the site per the provisions of this Section. Erosion prevention/sediment control BMPs are not present. This property has over one acre of soil disturbance and as such an active Site Work permit is required until the site has been stabilized.


BGKY C21 21.2.04.j Failure to properly implement required BMPs Public Infrastructure, Rights-of-Way and Stormwater / Stormwater Quality / Illicit Discharge; Applicability; Responsibility

Code Description:
Requirement to prevent, control and reduce stormwater pollutants by the use of BMPs. The City shall review and approve BMPs for any activity, operation or facility that may cause or contribute to pollution, discharge of hazardous materials or has the potential to contaminate naturally occurring stormwater or waters of the United States. The owner or operator of a commercial or industrial establishment shall provide, at their own expense, reasonable protection from accidental discharge of prohibited materials or other wastes into the MS4 or any conveyance through the use of these structural and non-structural BMPs. Further, any person responsible for a property or premise which is, or may be, the source of an illicit discharge may be required to implement, at such person's expense, additional structural and nonstructural BMPs to prevent the further discharge of pollutants or hazardous materials to the MS4 or any conveyance. These BMPs shall be part of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as necessary for compliance with requirements of the NPDES permit. Erosion prevention/sediment control Best Management Practices (BMPs) are not present.


BGKY C21 21.3.01d Failure to adhere to approved permit Public Infrastructure, Rights-of-Way and Stormwater / Construction, Repair, Permitting & Maintenance / Infrastructure Requirements

Code Description:
All infrastructure construction activities shall adhere to the approved permit and/or plans. Should there be any modifications to the approved plans, all changes shall be approved by the Public Works Director or designee. Any construction that does not meet these requirements shall be subject to stop work orders, other enforcement actions and immediate remediation. As-built drawings, as defined by the City of Bowling Green Stormwater BMP Manual,shall be required and submitted to the Public Works Director or designee for any stormwater infrastructure improvements that propose retention/detention basins and/or connection to public stormwater infrastructure. This project is not complete or stabilized as of the permit expiration 08/15. Once the project is complete per approved plan, an As-Built, signed by a civil engineer or surveyor, is required.

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