Citation (Citation #: 2024-00014776.1)

General Information

Citation Number:

Date Issued:
Tue, Oct 15, 2024 10:53 AM

Paid/Fees Waived

Total Citation Amount:

Name of Person Cited:

Property in Violation:
PVA Parcel #: 040A65C003

Property Owner:

Code Compliance Officer:
Dara Price

Inspection Date:
Tue, Oct 15, 2024 8:15 AM

Code Violations (8)

Easements & Rights-of-Way

BGKY C21 21.1.02 Duty to Remove Obstructions - SW, ROW Public Infrastructure, Rights-of-Way and Stormwater / General Provisions

Code Description:
Every person owning or acting as agent for or occupying any building or lot in the City shall keep, or cause the sidewalk and right-of-way adjacent to such building or lot to be kept open and free from obstructions, barriers and impediments as described hereinabove; provided however, the Public Works Director or designee may allow a temporary obstruction if such obstruction is removed within twenty-four (24) hours following installation. The Public Works Director or designee shall have the authority to remove obstructions within a notified period of time and, if an emergency exists, may order immediate removal of an obstruction without prior notice. Put debris in drainage ditch and parked equipment and blocked outlet end of cross drain with dirt and debris


BGKY C21 21.2.03.a.1 Failure to obtain all required permits Public Infrastructure, Rights-of-Way and Stormwater / Stormwater Quality / Construction Site Stormwater Management

Code Description:
Permits are required to be obtained from the City for all site construction projects and/or land disturbances as set out in the City of Bowling Green Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual. The developer shall also coordinate with the KYDOW and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine whether permits are required from those agencies before construction begins. Each developer shall submit an application to the City on a form provided by the City. No grade work or site work permit, nor was notified for sidewalk installation

Illicit Discharge

BGKY C21 21.2.04.a Illicit Discharge; Applicability, Responsibility Public Infrastructure, Rights-of-Way and Stormwater / Stormwater Quality / Illicit Discharge; Applicability; Responsibility

Code Description:
Other than naturally-occurring stormwater, no person shall discharge or cause to be discharged into the MS4, or any conveyance, any materials, including but not limited to pollutants or hazardous materials or waters containing any pollutants or hazardous materials that cause or contribute to a violation of applicable water quality standards. Allowable discharges that create or have the potential to create unsafe conditions on city streets or other public rights-of-way are prohibited. The commencement, conduct or continuance of any illegal discharge to the MS4 or any conveyance is prohibited. Burying trash and construction debris in dirt for final grade


BGKY C21 21.2.04.j Failure to properly implement required BMPs Public Infrastructure, Rights-of-Way and Stormwater / Stormwater Quality / Illicit Discharge; Applicability; Responsibility

Code Description:
Requirement to prevent, control and reduce stormwater pollutants by the use of BMPs. The City shall review and approve BMPs for any activity, operation or facility that may cause or contribute to pollution, discharge of hazardous materials or has the potential to contaminate naturally occurring stormwater or waters of the United States. The owner or operator of a commercial or industrial establishment shall provide, at their own expense, reasonable protection from accidental discharge of prohibited materials or other wastes into the MS4 or any conveyance through the use of these structural and non-structural BMPs. Further, any person responsible for a property or premise which is, or may be, the source of an illicit discharge may be required to implement, at such person's expense, additional structural and nonstructural BMPs to prevent the further discharge of pollutants or hazardous materials to the MS4 or any conveyance. These BMPs shall be part of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as necessary for compliance with requirements of the NPDES permit. No BMP'S Installed and stabilization not achieved

Post Construction

BGKY C21 21.2.05.c Failure to perform maintenance and keep records per the MA Public Infrastructure, Rights-of-Way and Stormwater / Stormwater Quality / Post Construction Water Quality

Code Description:
The property owner shall be responsible for all maintenance and record keeping as detailed in the Maintenance Agreement set forth in the City of Bowling Green Stormwater BMP Manual. No stabilization for entire lot. Washing silt, trash and rock to KYTC ROW easement at fence line.

Driveway & Sidewalk Standards

BGKY C21 21.3.01.c Sidewalks, Ramps, Entrances w/out approval or w/o meeting standards Public Infrastructure, Rights-of-Way and Stormwater / Construction, Repair, Permitting and Maintenance / Infrastructure Requirements

Code Description:
Any person proposing or constructing sidewalks, handicap ramps or drive entrances on public right-of-way shall have prior approval through permitting or plan approval by the Public Works Director or designee. All design and construction must meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements as well as all requirements in the City’s Traffic Management Manual and other requirements as determined by the Public Works Director or designee. No permit or approval for sidewalk construction


BGKY C21 21.3.01.a Infrastructure not meeting specifications Public Infrastructure, Rights-of-Way and Stormwater / Construction, Repair, Permitting and Maintenance / Infrastructure Requirements

Code Description:
New infrastructure or alterations of existing infrastructure must meet specifications set forth in the City-County Planning Commission Subdivision Regulations, City of Bowling Green Stormwater BMP Manual, Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, current edition, or other local, regional or national standards or regulations as determined by the Public Works Director or designee. This infrastructure includes, but is not limited to streets, sidewalks and drainage appurtenances. Infrastructure on private property may also be subject to the requirements set herein if there is potential for impacts to right-of-way or adjacent properties due to the construction. Headwall for drainage ditch was broken and not fixed properly. Now not functional because it is blocked again. Downspouts not routed appropriately

Post Construction

BGKY C21 21.2.05.a Failure to provide Post Const SW Quality Mgmt Plan

Code Description:
a. Applicability. For construction meeting either of the criteria herein below, review and approval of the Post Construction Stormwater Quality Management Plan as described in the City of Bowling Green Stormwater BMP Manual is required prior to the issuance of any permit: 1. Disturb more than one (1) acre, and create greater than ten thousand square feet (10,000ft 2 ) of new impervious surfaces, irrespective of existing impervious surfaces. 2. Hotspot land uses as defined below: a) Automotive fueling facilities; b) Automotive maintenance and repair facilities; c) Restaurants with grease collection and disposal; and, d) Other land uses as determined to have a high potential of pollutant discharge into the MS4 as determined by the City Installing sidewalk without permit or notice, construction work without any correspondence

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