Planning and Design
The Planning and Design Division provides infrastructure and capital improvement planning, administration, design, and project management for city projects. The division also performs review and approval of permit applications and review of subdivision and development plans for compliance with access, drainage, infrastructure, and traffic management regulations. Additionally the division is responsible for inventory and assessment of city infrastructure such as traffic signals, signs and pavement. The division is also home to the city’s surveyor and inspectors who provide and responds to citizen service requests with regard to traffic, drainage and right-of-way concerns.
Featured Projects
Shive Lane Corridor Improvements
This is a multi-phase project to improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety along the Shive Lane corridor. Improvements include the addition of a two-way left turn lane, installation of curb and gutter, sidewalk, and storm sewer. These projects also include construction of single lane roundabouts at the intersections of Ken Bale Blvd. and Middle Bridge Road in order to minimize morning and afternoon peak delays motorists currently experience at these locations.
Annual Street Resurfacing
The City maintains approximately 278 miles of streets and street conditions are surveyed annually by an outside consultant. The total number of lane miles to be resurfaced will vary from year to year and depends largely on the cost of asphalt, as well as existing conditions.
New Sidewalk Program
Every year, the Board of Commissioners approve approximately $400,000 - $500,000 annually, allowing construction of approximately 1 mile of new sidewalk. After evaluation all new sidewalk requests, the Public Works department will construct these sidewalks, as funds permit.
Construction Management
As a result of the rapid growth in the area, the City of Bowling Green has multiple capital improvement projects ongoing throughout the year. These projects include sidewalk and street construction as well as building and park construction.
Planning, Design Review, and Engineering
The Planning and Design Division works closely with other agencies to provide infrastructure planning as well as review of private development design plans. This Division is also responsible for the design of various capital improvement projects through either in-house engineering staff or design administration through engineering contracts.
Traffic Management
Traffic Management provides comprehensive traffic engineering, street maintenance and pavement management, and street capital improvement planning. In addition, the program promotes alternative transportation methods through the mass transit program, future greenways, and bike paths.
The Planning and Design Division is part of the Public Works Department. The Planning and Design Division is responsible for infrastructure and capital improvement project planning and management, administration of City projects, and plan review for new development.
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