New Sidewalk Program

Currently funded locations

All currently funded sidewalk locations have been completed.

Requested locations, but not yet funded

The Board of Commissioners approve approximately $400,000 - $500,000 annually, allowing construction of approximately 1 mile of new sidewalk. The following document contains a ranked listing of all new sidewalk requests. It should be noted that project locations on this list are currently unfunded:

Sidewalk Locations (Listed by Rank)

Sidewalk rankings are updated as new requests are received and are subject to change. Sidewalks chosen to be constructed in the upcoming fiscal year are selected by rank from the prioritized list as of March 1. Any new requests received after March 1 are entered and analyzed for consideration in subsequent years. The number of projects chosen for construction in a given year is dependent upon available funding.

How do I request a new sidewalk?

If you would like to request a new sidewalk in your neighborhood, please contact Citizen Information & Assistance at 270-393-3444 or you may email

How are new sidewalk requests ranked?

Proposed sidewalk locations are evaluated by City staff based on specific criteria and recommended for construction per the City's Sidewalk Program Policy.

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