Cave Mill Road Corridor Improvements
Project Background
Cave Mill Road has experienced significant residential and commercial growth at both ends, increasing congestion along the corridor. The roadway also serves as a primary route for Natcher Elementary School, but the lack of dedicated turn lanes creates safety and traffic flow issues, especially during peak hours.
In response, improvements were made at each end of the corridor in recent years, increasing capacity and safety at key access points. However, the last remaining section of 2-lane rural roadway, between the Old Cave Mill Rd. / Dishman Lane intersection and Grider Pond Road, still requires upgrades to meet current and future demands.
As part of this project, the existing signalized intersection of Cave Mill Road and Smallhouse Road will be converted to a two-lane roundabout, designed to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion. This roundabout will be similar to, but slightly smaller than the two-lane roundabout at the Nashville Road and University Blvd intersection, providing a safer and more efficient alternative for travelers.
Project Funding and Scope
Recognizing these needs, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) included Cave Mill Road in its Roadway Plan. The proposed improvements include:
- Widening the roadway to include a center turn lane.
- Installation of curb and gutter and storm sewer systems.
- Construction of an 8-ft-wide multi-use path, linking the greenway at Lost River Cave to the sidewalk at Crossings Blvd.
- Conversion of the Cave Mill Road and Smallhouse Road intersection into a modern two-lane roundabout.
Project Timeline and Next Steps
(Timelines subject to change due to funding allocations)
- Design Phase: Initiated in FY2023 and is expected to conclude in FY2025.
- Property Acquisition: Scheduled to begin in FY2025/26.
- Utility Relocation: Planned for FY2027.
- Construction: Targeted for FY2028.
Stay Updated
This website will be regularly updated to reflect the different stages of the project, from property acquisition to utility relocation and through the construction process. Check back for the latest information on milestones, funding updates, and progress reports as the project moves forward.
Thank you for your interest and support in improving the safety, capacity, and accessibility of Cave Mill Road.
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