Hotel and Motel Fire Safety

  • When making your reservations, ask if the building has smoke detectors and fire sprinklers.
  • Upon arriving, become familiar with your surroundings. Locate 2 exits from your room. Count all doors between your room and each exit in case of an emergency evacuation in smoky conditions. Locate the fire alarm pull stations and detectors in your room and on your floor.
  • Always take a flashlight with you on trips.
  • Take note of the fire evacuation plan posted in your room and request one from the management if there isn’t one.
  • Never smoke in bed.

If a Fire Occurs:

  • If the fire is in your room, get out quickly, closing the door behind you. Sound the alarm and notify the front desk.
  • If the fire is not in your room, leave only if it is safe to do so. Be sure to take your room key with you in case fire blocks your escape and you need to re-enter your room.
  • To check the hallway for fire, feel the door with the back of your hand. If the door is cool, get low to the floor, brace your shoulder against the door and open it slowly. Be ready to close it quickly if there are flames on the other side. Crawl low in the smoke to the nearest exit. Always use a stairwell, never an elevator. The elevator could stop at the floor of the fire.
  • If your room door is hot, do not open it. Instead, seal the door with wet towels or sheets. Call the fire department to give your location. Turn off the fans and air conditioners. Signal from your window with a flashlight or light-colored sheet, towel or article of clothing.

Additional Tips

Additional Tips (Spanish)

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