Take the Housing Survey

August 9, 2023
Neighborhood & Community Services
Brent Childers - 270-393-3658
Bowling Green, KY
Take the Housing Survey

The City of Bowling Green wants YOU to complete our survey about housing in Bowling Green and Warren County. The survey is available online in English and in Spanish, and the deadline is Aug. 31.

Our Neighborhood & Community Services Department is working with Bowen National Research to conduct a Housing Market Study of Bowling Green and Warren County. An important component of the study is a housing survey. We need your help!

Take the survey and share with your neighbors:

English: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BowlingGreenPublic
Spanish: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BowlingGreenSpanish

The survey will be open through Aug. 31.

A Housing Market Study of our area was previously completed by NCS and Bowen and published in June of 2019. For more information about the housing study or other housing efforts, email brent.childers@bgky.org or call 270-393-3658.


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