Spring Adult Softball League

Date: April 3, 2024

Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Contact: Pete Samios

Location: 225 East Third Avenue Bowling Green, KY 42101


Spring Adult Softball Registration

Entry fee includes one umpire, scorekeeper, awards,10 regular season games concluding with seeded double elimination tournament.  Players that participate in the Coed League are allowed to participate in other leagues.  Games will be played at C.W. Lampkin Park, 938 Morgantown Road and/or Hobson Grove, 1200 West Main Street, depending on the number of teams to sign-up. Divisions may be combined if deemed necessary.  

Entry Fee:  $450/team; Must be paid in full at time of registration. No partial payments will be accepted.
Registration Deadline:  April 11
Registration is online at https://playbgpr@bgky.org
Mandatory Team Managers Meeting:  Thursday, April 11 at 6:00 pm at 225 East Third Avenue

Season Begins: Tentatively the week of April 15

Men's Open Division I (Competitive)-Games are on Monday & Wednesday nights

Men's Open Division II (Recreational)-Games are on Monday & Wednesday nights

Men's Industrial/Business-Games are Monday & Wednesday nights

Men's Church-Games are on Monday nights

Women's Open-Games are on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday nights

Coed Division 1 (Competitive)-Games are on Tuesday and Thursday nights

Play with 6/4 Lineup

Coed Division II (Recreational)-Games are on Tuesday and Thursday nights

Play with 6/4 Lineup

Pete Samios at 270-393-3624 or email Pete.Samios@bgky.org

Calendar: BGPR - Athletics

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