
We provide listings of local resources for individuals and families within Bowling Green. While not meant to serve as a business directory, this list includes schools, healthcare and government resources, places of worship, and even local utilities.

Since we depend on organizations to alert us to any changes, please call and verify a company's location before visiting.
If you would like to have your non-profit organization listed or information revised, please email us at webmaster@bgky.org. Be sure to include the name of your organization, address, phone number, and website URL (if applicable) in your email. Also, do not forget to include the category you wish to be listed under.
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Air Force Recruiting Station 1600 Campbell Lane 270-782-9702

Army Recruiting Station 1600 Campbell Lane 270-782-2769

Kentucky Career Center 270-746-7425

Labor and Wage Board 241 E. Main Street 270-781-1245

Marine Corps Recruiting Station 1600 Campbell Lane 270-842-2353

Navy Recruiting Station 1600 Campbell Lane 270-781-7425

Vocational Rehabilitation 2530 Scottsville Road 270-746-7804

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